Tin-cheung Cheung
Dr CHEUNG is the Chairman of the Hong Kong Green Building Council. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the City University of Hong Kong and the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Construction Industry Council, the Private Columbaria Licensing Board, the Expanded Building Committee of the Buildings Department, the Project Board for New Railway Projects of the Transport and Logistics Bureau, and the Independent Railway Expert Advisory Committee for New Railway Projects of the Transport and Logistics Bureau. He served as an Honorary Professor in the Department of Building and Real Estate at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and is a recipient of the Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award in Professional Achievement.
Dr CHEUNG holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Estate Management from the University of Reading, UK, a Master of Science Degree in Construction Management from the University of Bath, UK, and a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Fire Engineering from the City University of Hong Kong. He has professional qualifications in building surveying, property management and facility management. He is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, a Registered Professional Surveyor (BS), and an Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management.
Dr CHEUNG was previously Director of Buildings in the HKSAR Government and received the Silver Bauhinia Star Award in 2019 for his dedicated and meritorious service to the Government, particularly in promoting building safety and a sustainable built environment in Hong Kong.
The HKGBC strives to promote the standard and development of sustainable buildings in HK by engaging the government, the industry and the public. It also aims to develop practical solutions for Hong Kong’s unique, subtropical built environment of high-rise, high density urban area, leading HK to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and to become a world’s exemplar of green building development.
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